RJM Equipment Sales, Inc
Lowest overall cost
High odor rates: 95 - 99% removal at < 50 ppm H2S, hydrogen sulfide sewer odor
Custom built to meet your site needs.
Model sizes: 12, 18, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 300, 350 cfm
Irrigation system ensures the odor treating bacteria remains active. Normally the air from the lift station wet well and the collections system contains high levels of humidity so only small volumes of water are needed keeping operating costs low. No irrigation system is also a choice.
Blower choices:
Plastic corrosion resistant mounted beside (recommended)
Top mounted blower
No blower
Arrives ready to connect to foul air inlet, drain, power, water
Low pressure drop: < 0.4 inches wc / 3 ft bed depth
3 - 7 year media life
No chemical or carbon replacement costs
All natural and regenerating
No corrosion with all HDPE & stainless steel
Compost old media
Bioteg SRBF Standalone Odor Control Biofilter Brochure: