RJM Equipment Sales, Inc
Odor Control Biofilters
Odor Control Biofilter Sewer Lift Stations
Lowest overall cost: 3 - 7 year organic media life
High odor rates: 95 - 99% at < 50 ppm H2S, hydrogen sulfide sewer odor
Custom built to meet your site needs.
Model sizes: 12, 18, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 300, 350 cfm
Automatic irrigation or passive
Blower choices: plastic ground mounted, top mount, no blower
Arrives ready to connect to foul air inlet, drain, power, water
Odor Control Manhole Biofilter
High odor removal rates: 95-99% H2S up to 50 ppm
Easy installation: just set on to the manhole frame and replace the manhole cover
Low maintenance: 5-8 years
Custom made to fit your manhole
No chemical or carbon costs
All natural organic media
Corrosion resistant HDPE and stainless steel
Modular Odor Control Biofilters Treatment Plants
Lowest overall odor control cost
Modular odor control biofilters from 300 cfm to 20,000 cfm
Ideal for wastewater treatment plants odor control and industrial organic odors.
Minimized maintenance requirements with 5 - 10 year media life
Simple installation, operation and media disposal.
All corrosion resistant materials in contact with the foul air
Odor Control Vent Biofilters
High odor removal rates: 95-99% H2S up to 50 ppm
Easy installation: just lower in to sewer vent pipe
Low maintenance: 5-8 years
Wide size range: 1.8 to 20 cfm
No chemical or carbon costs
All natural organic media
Stainless steel housing available
Large flange mounted models for 15, 30, 45 cfm also available